Since 2002 I have helped start-ups, scaleups and global market leaders drive their demand generation programmes. I have won awards for my digital strategy in the US, UK and Asia Pacific and have been directly responsible for delivering the digital growth strategies for brands in over 30 sectors.

In 2017, I developed Metranomic for clients that are operating on lean budgets that need practical and hands-on help to accelerate their demand generation programmes.

Metranomic combines performance benchmarking, market intelligence, strategy consulting and specialist execution to help clients accelerate market demand and digital return on investment.

➤ The Demand-Surge Programme

The Demand-Surge programme gives organisations the skills, tools and processes they need to capture more qualified leads, grow sales pipeline and improve sales conversion rates. We work with you to plan and build a scalable sales engine that delivers long term digitally-led growth.

➤ The DemandGen Benchmark

The DemandGen Benchmark provides complete clarity over your business’s digital performance and gives a roadmap to drive continuous performance improvements that deliver commercial impact. We objectively measure your business’s digital maturity to identify gaps in capability and the bottlenecks that are constraining your digital growth.

➤ The ABM Immersion

The ABM Immersion shortens the sales cycle and increases sales pipeline for clients that are operating complex multi-stakeholder sales. We work with you to optimise your existing sales tools, lead generation tactics, sales channels, messaging and sales engagement techniques. We also optimise how you use data to measure, report and optimise sales performance.

Connect with James Sandberg
James Sandberg

James Sandberg

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